XN120 Main CCU
07/07/2016NEC XN120 CCU Equipped with 3 Analogue lines and 8 extensions Add additional cards extension or line cards to expand the system Add a expansion cabinet to increase the system even more
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NEC XN120 CCU Equipped with 3 Analogue lines and 8 extensions Add additional cards extension or line cards to expand the system Add a expansion cabinet to increase the system even more
This module bolts onto the side of the NEC XN120 Vision handset Increases the programmable key by another 60 Ideal as an operators phone as you can visually see who is on the phone
Bolts on to the side of the Vision handset This gives you an additional 24 Programmable keys
Easy to read 2 line LCD display showing time, date,extension number Stores the last 10 numbers dialed Handsfree 22 Programmable keys 24 and 60 key add on modules to expand the amount of programmable keys